Quality Assurance Unit
Strategic Goals of the Quality Assurance Unit
The Quality Assurance Unit aims to adopt mechanisms for follow-up and performance evaluation in all educational, research and service activities of the faculty considering the standards of the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation in order to achieve the mission and goals of the faculty, through:
– Spreading and promoting the culture and concepts of quality among all employees of departments and departments within the faculty in order to achieve excellence in performance and support the completion of tasks.
– Introducing the college to the mission and objectives of the unit and its role in developing the educational process considering standard and national standards.
– Linking the unit to the quality assurance center at the university to maximize the benefit through the expertise and consultations available in the center.
– Ensuring that the conditions and requirements of the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation are met and the college is qualified to establish a quality assurance system and then obtain accreditation.
– Building and improving the institutional and human capacity of the college and qualifying it for excellence through specialized training programs to raise the efficiency of individuals.
– Activating student participation in the internal activities of the unit to implement quality standards.
– Establishing a system and standards for internal follow-up and performance evaluation in all academic, research, service and administrative activities within the faculty to ensure the achievement of the cfaculty goals and the upgrading of its outputs.
– Developing a system for measuring and evaluating the faculty performance (the national academic standards of reference for the educational program, the quality of learning opportunities, community participation, research and other scientific activities, the effectiveness of quality management and improvement).

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